
Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor Crime in Minnesota

You may not think it is that big of a deal. Buying beer or liquor for underage kids, or frat brothers/sorority sisters still younger than 21, is a right of passage. You may justify it by thinking that you owe it to them because someone did it for you…
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Early Discharge From Probation

Following a conviction, most defendants are placed on probation with many terms and conditions that must be followed. These can include time in custody, community service, no use of alcohol or drugs, random testing, a chemical dependency assessment,…
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Domestic Assault by Strangulation - Specific Intent Crime

Domestic assault by strangulation can often be the byproduct of substance use and/or abuse. A bad night. Some bad choices. Spurred by the affects of alcohol or drugs clouding someone’s judgment. When this happens, an appropriate defense would b…
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