
Victim Cooperation is Critical to Proving Domestic Assault

One of the most critical considerations of a domestic assault or general assault case is victim cooperation. Will the victim cooperate (i.e. testify trial) or is the victim expected to no-show. While being subpoenaed by a court requires the victim to…
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Odor of Marijuana May Not Justify a Vehicle Search - Under Certain Circumstances

As the world slowly but surely progresses to an era when marijuana will be legalized by every State, the courts are lagging behind, as usual. The courts have always been slow in responding to the evolution of things, such as trying to figure out the…
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What is constructive possession of drugs?

Drug possession – even marijuana (for now) – is still a very serious crime in Minnesota, with most being felony level offenses. There are two types of possession that the State can pursue when charging you with a drug possession crime: ac…
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Defending False Allegations of Sexual Assault

Over the last several years, the #MeToo campaign has empowered and supported women to bring to light sexual assault claims that had been previously unreported. While this is a noble and good campaign, like anything, there is an ugly side of it too &#…
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Fleeing Police in a Vehicle - License Revocation Consequences

Fleeing police in a vehicle is a felony offense, with varying levels of severity based upon the circumstances and result of the fleeing conduct. Possible prison, significant fines, and restitution are all serious consequences that are the primary foc…
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Dan Adkins Consulted for News Story On Age of Consent in Minnesota

Managing partner, Dan Adkins, was recently interviewed by a local news station about Minnesota’s Age of Consent in relation to an interesting incident involving a local hockey coach. Long story short, the coach was caught up in a sting operatio…
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Indecent Exposure Charges Must Be for Volitional Acts

Indecent exposure charges include serious allegations that require an attorney that is familiar with the nuances of the law. An area that can be utilized for a successful defense strategy – both in raising it as a valid defense and in leveragin…
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Deferred Prosecution for Veterans - Criminal Defense

The term “justice-involved veterans” describes former service members who are on the wrong side of a criminal investigation or criminal charges. Often, a criminal proceeding against a veteran has underlying connections to some sort of service-rel…
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Veterans Criminal Defense - Deferred Prosecution Law

Veterans are among the most selfless individuals in our community. They give up everything in order to serve and protect us. In doing so, unfortunately, it often comes with physical and mental health injuries. For the latter, it is not uncommon that…
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Threats of Violence Reckless Disregard - Defined

The threats of violence crime – formerly known as terroristic threats – is a serious felony level offense that includes a broad definition. That broad definition has led to plenty of litigation over the years on whether alleged misconduct…
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