State v. E.V.

May, 2021
Charges: 4th Degree DWI - Misdemeanors

Stay of adjudication to one DWI count. This outcome means the client will never be convicted and the case will be dismissed after she successfully abides by minimal terms of probation for one-year. A dismissal of a DWI count via plea negotiations is an incredibly rare outcome - but, as you can see in our case results, we've had our fair share of them. In this case, the North Star team dug deep into the personnel record of the arresting officer to discover a troubling history in administering the field sobriety tests. And in the case involving our client, there were outright and provable lies and oversights, too. The combination meant that the officer would have suffered from serious credibility issues during any testimony. The North Star team then leveraged all of this to get this incredible outcome for a deserving client. She is thrilled with the extra effort and diligence that we provided and in getting a dismissal of her DWI.

Types of Charge(s): DWI Case Results, Misdemeanor