State v. R.C.

May, 2021
Charges: Domestic Assault - Misdemeanor

Case Dismissed. This was a unique case in how it proceeded after the incident. Clearly showing that he was not the victim in the alleged dispute, the complainant repetitively contacted our client through all channels of communication with threats, thoughts of making up, and other mental health concerns. The client never responded, as ordered to due to the no contact order. And, on top of abiding by her conditions of release, our client sought therapy to help gain a better understanding of herself and the relationship. With the continued volatility of the complainant and our client's proactive and smart steps, the prosecutor realized this was not a case to pursue and dismissed it well before a trial was even scheduled to begin. Another great win for the North Star team and a most deserving client.

Types of Charge(s): Domestic Assault Case Results