State v. S.D.

January, 2019
Charges: 3rd Degree DWI - Gross Misdemeanor

Stay of imposition, resulting in the gross misdemeanor being reduced to a misdemeanor after her successful completion of probation. This is a fantastic result for the client for a number of reasons. First, she was facing third degree charges because her child was in the car with her at the time. Typically, prosecutors are not keen on negotiating to a favorable result, let alone a misdemeanor. Second, the client had three conditional release violations for using alcohol when she was ordered by the Court to not use. Jail time was imposed for the violations. But, when there are violations - especially so many - again, obtaining any kind of a favorable outcome is next to impossible. Yet, the North Star team was able to use its great relationship with a fantastic prosecutor who believed us when describing the struggles and successes our client has had during her road to sobriety. Because of this and her continued efforts to sobriety, the client still earned a stay of imposition from the Court. For a first-time offender with eight children, this was a needed win for and her future. This is why we love what we do.

Types of Charge(s): DWI Case Results