State v. S.O.

April, 2019
Charges: Domestic Assault and various other charges

Dismissed. The client was charged with a first-time domestic involving his wife. Their decades long relationship was leading to a divorce, with this incident serving as the rock bottom point. But, the response by the family was remarkable. Proactive steps, including weekly meetings with their pastor and completing an anger management course, allowed the family to heal and rebuild their relationship. And despite living in the country for a long time, the client was just in the process of finishing his application for citizenship. The fear was that anything other than an outright dismissal could negatively impact his application, including the possibility of deportation. Understanding this, Mr. Gempeler and the North Star team developed a strategy that positioned the client for this dismissal -—via negotiations. There was no defense. This outcome was obtained through both the strong and trust relationship with the prosecutor, and an understanding of how to best approach the negotiations to get such an incredible and atypical result.

Types of Charge(s): Domestic Assault Case Results