
Patience and the Correct Legal Strategy Is Needed When Facing Multiple Criminal Cases

This post is dedicated to that parent, or that significant other who has a loved one in their lives who has a number of serious criminal cases pending at one time. It’s daunting. Frightening. And stressful. You may be at a loss about what to do. Reading this blog is the right first step. Getting legal counsel to guide your loved one during this difficult time is the next step.

Unfortunately, North Star Criminal Defense has become an expert in this field. Clients – not because they are criminals or bad people – catch multiple cases. The reasons why are numerous, but always unique to each individual client. It can be that the client is associating with the wrong crowd of people. Or waging a war against a disease, such as alcoholism, chemical dependency, or even anger issues. Whatever the reason, we work with our clients to get the help they need, which benefits themselves, personally, as well as it benefits their cases. And this is where patience and support from loved ones can make a world of difference in getting a favorable outcome in an impossible situation.

For instance, Mr. Adkins has successfully counseled a client with 20 matters, and is currently counseling another client who continues to add almost weekly to her list of more than 15. Recently, he just closed a series of matters in St. Louis County for a gentleman who also creased 20 in his run of error. In that case, the client was required to serve an additional five months in custody in order to resolve numerous felony cases. It took multiple hearings and negotiations through sentencing, and a successful and convincing sentencing argument in order for the Court to find in favor of Mr. Adkins’ client – and in direct opposition to the State’s argument. The client was facing decades in prison before Mr. Adkins got involved and worked out this incredible result.

It takes a Minnesota criminal defense attorney with a certain kind of experience, a great deal of patience, a huge surplus of good humor, and one hell of an attention to detail to resolve complex situations like this. And it takes a client that is finally willing to listen to those that remain supportive of them and a want to make an affirmative change in their life.

If you or a loved one are unlucky enough to need this sort of assistance, contact North Star Criminal Defense immediately. This work takes months to accomplish, it needs careful attention, but it is wonderful when it works out.