Expungement Lawyers for Assault Charges

Assault is an incredibly common crime in Minnesota with there being over 35,000 charged cases of assault or aggravated assault occurring in both 2014 and 2015, for instance. These assaults range from a common bar fight to committing great bodily harm. The range and frequency of assault cases requires a wide variety of legal explanations concerning your possible options. Many assault convictions can be expunged but more serious ones are ineligible at this time. Assault convictions will make many aspects of your life extremely difficult and may prevent you from moving on towards improving your life. Many employers will not even consider hiring someone with a assault of any level. Financial aid for schooling will be limited or even unavailable to you if your assault conviction shows up in a background check. If you have an assault conviction and are looking to wipe it off your record you may be able to get an assault expungement with the help of our experienced Minnesota expungement lawyers.

Depending on what degree of assault in Minnesota you have been convicted of will determine the ease and time frame between your conviction and when it can possibly be expunged. No matter the degree of the conviction, hiring an attorney to assist you in petitioning the court to have your assault expunged is the smartest move towards a successful expungement as we know how to word your petition in the most appealing form possible.

Types of Assault Expungements

5th Degree Assault

5th Degree Assault in Minnesota is a misdemeanor offense. As it is typically charged for very minor altercations or even just intimidation or threats, it is the most common assault conviction seen in Minnesota. Misdemeanors, such as 5th degree assaults, may be expunged two years after the discharge of the sentence of the crime as long as you have remained law abiding throughout that period. Even if you are eligible, the state will put up a fight against your efforts in attaining an assault expungement. Due to the inherently violent nature of assaults, they will insist that you are dangerous to society and that keeping the conviction on your record will be more beneficial than removal. Through our expungement lawyers committed legal efforts, we will prove them wrong.

4th Degree Assault

4th Degree Assault in Minnesota is typically a gross misdemeanor offense. It is charged when someone assaults a certain class of individuals including but not limited to police officers, correctional employees, treatment facility employees, and probation officers. Due to the range of victims this degree applies to it is a relatively common conviction seen in Minnesota. Gross misdemeanors, such as 4rd degree assaults, may be expunged three years after the discharge of the sentence of the crime as long as you have remained law abiding throughout that period. Even if you are eligible, the state will put up a fight against your efforts in attaining an assault expungement. Our expungement lawyers know how to combat this and get the outcome you need.

3rd, 2nd, and 1st Degree Assaults

3rd, 2nd, and 1st degree assaults in Minnesota are felony level offenses. At this time, these particular offense have not been added to the list of felonies that are eligible to be expunged. BUT, if you received a stay of imposition to these felony assaults and the crime is now considered a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor, you are now eligible to expunge this record so long as you have been crime free for five years. Again, you can fully expect the State to balk at this expungement effort, but our savvy expungement lawyers can anticipate the arguments and know how to preemptively address them to your benefit.

Not Yet Eligible?

Even if you are not yet eligible, it may still be beneficial for you to contact us. We can give you advice as to what you can do now to make the process go as quickly as possible once you are eligible. Starting the process now instead of waiting until you are eligible gives us and you a head start in securing your assault expungement. There may be other convictions that are eligible and we would love to help you get these expunged off your record.