St. Paul Robbery Defense Lawyers

Robbery (often called mugging) in Minnesota is defined as taking personal property from the person while either using force or threatening to use force under Minnesota Statutes 609.24 and 609.245. The robbery charges in Minnesota vary in degrees depending on the circumstances of the alleged criminal act. Robbery is a felony crime, resulting in a loss of your fundamental rights – such as your voting rights and likely your right to possess a firearm – and both can be debilitating for any future job or housing searches. Unfortunately, robbery offenses tend to be overcharged, necessitating an experienced and aggressive defense for you.

There are three levels of robbery depending on the circumstances. What is a unique aspect of robbery charges is that the value of the property taken is not a factor in charging the crime unlike most crimes of this nature. What matters is the methods used to take the property from the victim. Because of the nature of robbery, threats of violence or assault are often charged along with it.

First-Degree Robbery

The most serious of the three levels is First-Degree Robbery. A Minnesota first-degree robbery occurs when the robber is armed or the victim reasonably believes is armed and inflicts bodily harm upon another during the course of the robbery. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for 20 years and/or a fine of $30,000.

Second-Degree Robbery

A second-degree robbery occurs when the robber implies by words or actions that he or she has a weapon during the commission of the robbery. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for 15 years and/or a fine of $30,000.

Simple Robbery

The least serious of the three levels is simple robbery. Simple robbery occurs when a robber takes personal property from another person, knowing they are not entitled to it, and uses or threatens the use of force. A weapon is not involved in a simple robbery. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for 10 years and/or a fine of $20,000.


Typically the best defenses when facing a robbery charge is either contending that the accused had no intention of permanently deprive the victim of the property or that the property taken did not actually belong to the victim. All the elements of robbery need to be satisfied in order to be guilty of the charge. If nothing was truly taken by the accused or if there was no coercion, the State loses it's entire case. It is showing that one of these elements is not satisfied that can mean the difference between jail and freedom and why you need North Star's robbery defense attorneys on your side.

Difference Between Robbery and Burglary

Although both Robbery and Burglary usually involve taking property from somebody else, they are two very unique crimes. As mentioned above, robbery involves directly taken property from a person by use or threat of force. Burglary is the entering of a building or dwelling without consent with the intent to commit a crime. It is often called “breaking and entering” and accompanied with other charges, such as theft.

North Star Criminal Defense - Proven Success Fighting Robbery Charges

Minnesota robbery charges are serious offenses that result in debilitating consequences and you will need a team of Minnesota robbery defense lawyers fighting for you. Your basic rights, ability to possess a gun, and ability to provide for your family are at jeopardy. It is critical that you hire an experienced Minnesota robbery attorney to help fight for you. There is too much at stake not to. North Star Criminal Defense will put its 30 years of experience to work, fighting for you. Contact us now to discuss your case.