Theft & Shoplifting Case Results

To see just how successful our approach is, here are some representative results:

State v. Non-Public

December, 2024
Charges: Identity Theft and Fraudulent Transactions - Felony Counts

Stay of Adjudication with no restitution! State initially demanded a conviction and restitution of nearly $40K, and one of the State’s most conservative judges on the bench would not have likely permitted any resolution short of an all-but-unwinnable jury trial. However, Mr. Adkins employed creativity in extremis, and with a client committed to recovering and repairing the damage (the victims were in her family), the result is no conviction, restitution of less than $400, a path to expunging the entire matter—and a result that forced Probation Agents and the Judge to repeatedly ask if this was in fact the plan—it is that lenient, that much in favor of our ecstatic and wonderful client. Justice booming.

State v. H.T.

October, 2024
Charges: Theft - Gross Misdemeanor

Stay of Adjudication. State initially demanded a conviction and substantial jail term, but Defendant’s hustle and Mr. Adkins’ artful arguments (commercial theft cases can often involve substantial witness and documentation challenges, creating a point of leverage for a gifted defender) resulted in a 6-month stay with no conviction and no collateral consequences. Client would have been immediately fired, and thereafter un-employable, with a conviction. Client is overjoyed.

State v. P.L.

February, 2024
Charges: Gross Misdemeanor Shoplifting

Stay of Adjudication. Client was charged with stealing merchandise from a local Target several times over the course of a couple of weeks. And the State had surveillance video showing the theft acts from beginning to end - i.e. there were no defenses to the charge. Still, Mr. Gempeler emphasized the client's overall good record, remorse, accountability, and need to avoid creating a record that will hold him back going forward. The State understood and agreed to the second chance afforded by this fantastic result.

State v. C.T.

September, 2023
Charges: 5th Degree Controlled Substance - Felony; Theft - Felony

Stay of adjudication - no conviction upon successful completion of probation. The client was accused of misappropriating prescription drugs from a nursing home she worked at. Thankfully, she responded the right way by understanding and addressing her addiction that led to this case. By doing so, the North Star team was able to obtain this fantastic outcome - one that is common for a first-time felony drug case, but can be elusive when the allegations include stealing of prescription medications from a workplace. The North Star team emphasized the client's proactive steps and leveraged our good relationships with the prosecutors to secure this needed and deserving outcome.

State v. M.H.

February, 2023
Charges: Shoplifting - Misdemeanor

Diversion. Client was caught on camera not paying full price for all of the product. Needless to say, there were no legitimate defenses. Undeterred, the North Star team leaned on its great relationship with the local prosecutor and pursued this incredible outcome - one that ensures the client will maintain her crime-free record. On top of all that, we negotiated with the diversion program and removed most of the typical conditions, including community service, to make the diversion program easier and quicker to complete. Another example of how we go above and beyond for our clients, always pushing to get the best possible outcome.

State v. B.H.

November, 2022
Charges: Theft by Swindle, Felony, nearly $20K in restitution demanded

Stay of Adjudication. This case, handled initially by a well-respected dean of the criminal defense bar for more than 18 months and with no offer better than a lifetime felony (and cancellation of commercial license opportunities permanently), vs. a nearly impossible trial to win, presented Mr. Adkins with some sizable challenges. After five months of careful negotiations, Mr. Adkins and the North Star team secured a Stay of Adjudication, with absolutely no jail to serve, no work service, no fine, probation to the court, and as little as one year to dismissal and the start of an expungement campaign. Client is ecstatic, and can focus exclusively on building his growing business and caring for his extended family, without the fear or impact a felony record would necessarily bring. A massive win.

State v. Y.V.

June, 2021
Charges: Theft by Swindle - Felony

Plea to a gross misdemeanor theft count. The client was caught on camera swapping UPC code stickers to purchase expensive items for much cheaper. Needless to say, we had no actual defense to these charges. Despite this - and a County Attorney who was none too pleased with our clients behavior and belief that his actual wrongdoing far exceeded what they could prove - the North Star team got a plea agreement to a non-felony and no jail to serve. The client could not be happier to avoid the felony outcome and not have to do any time in custody.

State v. C.F.

February, 2021
Charges: Felony Theft by Swindle

Client agreed to a diversionary outcome, meaning she is neither convicted nor even offers a plea of guilty as part of the agreement. And so long as she abides by the minimal terms of the diversionary agreement, the matter will be dismissed in one-year. This is a great result for a deserving client. Fearful of facing a felony for switching UPC codes while at Target - and no meaningful defense to it - the client is thrilled to walk away without a criminal record.

State v. M.G.

September, 2020
Charges: Multiple felony and gross misdemeanor theft charges

Gross misdemeanor pleas. Mr. Adkins secured non-felony results in an almost impossible context, with a client who simply would not quit gathering complaints and charges, most alleging acts of theft or failure to report theft or recovery of assets. No jail, no heavy probation conditions, and the right to contest future restitution... have the right lawyer by your side? Even if you can't quit the cases from coming, Messrs. Adkins and Gempeler can protect you, and optimize your options.

State v. B.S.

July, 2020
Charges: Probation Violation on Mail Theft and Drug Crimes - Felonies

Early Discharge from Probation. This probation violation was supported by reams of documentation of failures on the part of Mr. Adkins' new client, but a term of restorative work (and commitment to sobriety) by the client and artful arguments via Zoom technology meant the client is not only not headed to prison or jail, but will be released from probation early with a stern lecture.... If your family member (or you) faces allegations of failure on probation, please don't hesitate to contact North Star immediately. You'll be stunned how much aggressive representation can change the outcomes.