State v. A.Y.

December, 2023
Charges: Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images - Felony

Stay of Imposition, no jail to serve, minimum fine, which results in a misdemeanor conviction upon the client's successful completion of probation. The client was struggling through alcoholism and mental health issues after a breakup with a long-term girlfriend. He sent private videos of them to third-parties, including her family. Needless to say, a terrible decision and one that impacted her beyond just the embarrassment. Realizing the depths he was sinking due to his alcoholism and mental health issues, he started on a path toward recovery. And by the time sentencing arrived, he was sober, heavily involved in the AA community, including being in leadership positions, was accountable and demonstrably remorseful of his actions, and truly just a changed man. Because of these positive and noticeable actions, the North Star team was able to convince a tough, strict judge into imposing a non-jail sentence and the stay of imposition outcome. The client never imagined getting this good of outcome and driven to reward those who are trusting him with such a sentence.

Types of Charge(s): Sex Crimes