State v. D.S.

August, 2024
Charges: Excessive Speeding - 100+ mph

Dismissed by the State during trial. This is a truly rare outcome. In the midst of a court trial, the State could not lay the proper foundation for the radar reading to be entered. The reason - Mr. Gempeler's dogged trial skills and objections completely flustered the prosecutor into having to dismiss the case. Understanding the nuances of the law - even for speeding tickets - Mr. Gempeler successfully stymied the prosecutor with the technical requirements in how to get radar readings entered into evidence. These nuances are so easily overlooked, to the detriment of defendants. Not with Mr. Gempeler and the North Star team. Even when a conviction seems not only likely, but a foregone conclusion, the North Star team gets to work and develops a strategy that can succeed. This outcome saved a client from a six-month revocation - a fantastic outcome, to say the least.

Types of Charge(s): Traffic Violations Case Results